Our Boys and Girls Basketball coaching staff are starting a 6-week program to teach the fundamentals of basketball to 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Throughout the 6 weeks, players will learn the fundamentals of the game to prepare them for school paid tournaments and guidance for teams interested in joining a CNR league. All of our CNR teams will be coached by parents that are going to be instructed by our coaches with skills training, drills and practice plans. With your help, we feel we can launch a successful youth basketball program. Listed below are the dates for the 6-week program.
October 1st
October 8th
October 15th
October 22th
November 5th
November 12th (play during the red and white scrimmage) @ 5pm
All of these dates will be 2-hour sessions from 9am-11am on Saturdays only.
We are offering this program for a one time fee of $50.00 per athlete.
If you are interested in signing up please email
Coach K at kkoch-dowell@elsberry.k12.mo.us or
Coach Johnson at cjohnson@elsberry.k12.mo.us.

Explorer's Club is enrolling students in grades K-5. Limited bus service is available in the evenings. Family discounts are available if more than one child is enrolled. If you have questions or would like more information sent home please call 573-898-5554 ext. 267.

Mrs. Ogden's science class did an experiment using the scientific method to discover which product would work best to clean windows.

Tatum Cross is one of our fifth grade teachers. This is her third year teaching fifth grade at EMS after graduating from Southeast Missouri State University.

Please help us welcome Greg Pflasterer to our school district. He works in both the middle and high school buildings. You will also see him helping out during the middle school girls basketball season.

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most. Anyone in need of crisis support for themselves or someone else should call or text 988.

Check out the new all sports season pass! Passes are being sold now at the gate of any event. Pay once and attend EHS and EMS athletic competitions for the entire 2022-2023 school year. Passes cannot be accepted for post season play.

The EMS Medical Detectives class had a guest speaker last week to help the students understand how important vital signs are when assessing a medical situation. Jim Wright, training officer with the Lincoln County Ambulance District, demonstrated life saving actions and discussed how in the future students could become a first responder.

Does your child need homework help? E2 is available every Tuesday-Friday morning from 6:40-7:20. Follow the link to sign up for morning homework assistance.

5th and 6th Grade students participated in color wars for the first Evaluate Day.

Breakfast and Lunch Menus for September 6-16, 2022

Noon, August 31- Our internet and all phone service is currently restored.

Notice: Wednesday, August 31. We are currently experiencing internet, phone and cell service outages district wide. Posted at 9 a.m.

7th Grade Students created a Rainbow while reviewing Mrs. Boedeker’s Lab expectations

5th grade science kiddos with Mrs. Ogden were praciticing being a paleontologist and experimented with a cookie fossil dig. Students used a toothpick to excavate the fossils from the rock.

Please help us welcome Mrs. Sara Schoeman to our EMS special education department.

Please help us welcome Mr. Nick Lindley. We are excited he is part of our fifth grade team at EMS.

Mr. Christopher Martin is the new government and history teacher at EHS. Please help Mr. Martin feel welcome in our school and community. He will also be assisting with middle school basketball.

EMS was a busy place on the first day of school!