Student Senate is hosting a fundraiser Hat Day this upcoming Friday, March 14 to raise some money for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Leadership Camp (formerly DARE) Registration will open this Thursday at noon, and the slots go really fast. We can only accommodate between 100-120 campers. The link to register will be on the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Website as well as the Lincoln County School Resource Officers Facebook Page. This is only for students leaving 5th grade.
Camp is held from June 8th through June 12th at Redemption Ranch in Winfield.

Students in robotics competed in freeze tag. Students programmed a bumper switch that disabled their remote when tagged. The LED sensor was programmed to be color coded to signal when the bumper switch was pressed. Teams had to collaborate and communicate during the competition.

Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, March 19.
Online Pre-Order Password: 9H6S2V5X

Spring break is sneaking up on us! Make sure you have this on your calendar. If not, start making plans now!
Spring Break is March 25-28, 2025.

Spring Sports Practices Start Monday, March 3

Elsberry Middle School - SPORTS Sports Picture Day is: 3/19/2025 ALL ATHLETES WILL BE PHOTOGRAPHED FOR MEDIA PURPOSES. NO MONEY IS DUE ON PICTURE DAY. ALL IMAGES WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE AFTER PICTURE DAY TO VIEW & ORDER www.WagnerPortraitGroup.com Questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900 Thank you for your help to prepare for a great picture day! We appreciate you!

Fine Arts Night is an amazing evening where we showcase the arts. If you missed it, you missed an amazing evening. Check out these talented musicians!

Check out our EMS Quiz Bowl team. Thank you Mrs. Waller for providing this new experience to our students.

Fifth grade was so excited to enjoy a beautiful day on the playground.

The City of Elsberry has extended the boil order until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26. Water fountains at school will be closed to students, staff, and patrons during this time. Please send your child to school prepared with at least one bottle of water, or more than one, depending on your schedule.

The City of Elsberry has issued a boil order that is in effect until 9 p.m. Tuesday, February 25. Water fountains at school will be closed to students, staff, and patrons during this time. Water will not be available during lunch. Please come to school prepared with at least one bottle of water or more than one depending on your schedule. It is possible this boil order will be extended further into the week.

The City of Elsberry has issued a boil order that is in effect until 9 p.m. Sunday, February 23. Water fountains at school will be closed to students, staff, and patrons during this time. Please plan accordingly if you will be at school for any event.

Girls on the run registration ends this Sunday, February 23 for students in grades 3-5. Questions?
Contact Morgan Aslin at
maslin@elsberry.k12.mo.us or
Conner at sro@elsberry.k12.mo.us

All busses will be using snow routes in the morning and afternoon on Friday, February 21.

Please adjust your calendars for our two Monday make-up days due to snow.
School will be in session on Monday, March 17 and Monday, April 7.

Students in grades K-5 are invited to join us for the STEM Saturday on February 22. Students can be dropped off at 9 a.m. at the Elementary Doors. Pick up time is 11:30 a.m. at the elementary doors.The admission fee is one box of kid friendly food such as granola bars, pop tarts, snack cakes or you can make a $5 donation. All donations go to Operation Backpack and benefit students in the Elsberry School District. Students will be participating in a variety of activities including robotics, engineering, art, design and more.

Snow routes will be utilized for both the morning and afternoon bus routes on Thursday, February 20.

Due to inclement weather conditions, school is canceled on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

School is canceled today, Tuesday, February 18 due to inclement weather conditions.